Dr. Diana Mihai
Dr. Diana Mihai is a highly qualified medical professional with extensive experience in obstetrics and gynecology. She has completed her Ph.D. in the field at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy and has held various positions as an OB/GYN in clinics and hospitals across Romania. She also holds the positions of Vice President and Trainer at the International Association of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, as well as President of the Romanian Society of Aesthetic Gynecology. In addition, she is an Obstetrics Gynecology MD and has received training in international certification. Before her current roles, Dr. Mihai worked as an OB/GYN at various clinics and hospitals, including the Spitalul Clinic “Prof. Dr. Panait Sîrbu” and the Spitalul University de Urgent Bucuresti. She currently resides in Bucharest, Romania, and is originally from Suceava.
Diana attends a vaginal birth or a Caesarean section, depending on the patient’s circumstances. She has contributed to translating several international treaties on obstetrics and gynecology, including Protocols in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Oxford Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Williams Gynecology, and Williams Obstetrics. Diana was the PROJECT MANAGER and PRINCIPAL EDITOR for translating the Williams Obstetrics Treaty, a reference work in the field of OG, the book in the bibliography of the Obstetrics-Gynecology specialty exam. She belongs to the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SROG).

She offers to counsel couples experiencing infertility issues, ovary stimulation therapies, ectopic insemination with partner or donor sperm, in vitro fertilization, and surgical treatment for problems with the fallopian tubes, uterus, or ovaries. Diana presented on various subjects at congresses in ROMANIA and internationally, including 1. FERTILITY PRESERVATION in endometriosis 2. Fertility preservation in cancer patients: a need for and practical approaches 3. HUMAN EMBRYO USE ETHICS, 4. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ENDOMETRIOUS INFERTILE PATIENTS, 5. Pregnancy Rate in Patients with Low Ovary Reserve Based on Age and AMH, 6. FRESH VERSUS FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER PLACENTA ACCRETTA RISK 7. AFTER SINGLE EMBRYO TRANSFER, THE RISK OF MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PREGNANCY – FRESH VERSUS FROZEN 8. ENDOMETRIOSIS’S FERTILITY-RELATING MECHANISMS
She offers to counsel couples experiencing infertility issues, ovary stimulation therapies, ectopic insemination with partner or donor sperm, in vitro fertilization, and surgical treatment for problems with the fallopian tubes, uterus, or ovaries. Diana presented on various subjects at congresses in ROMANIA and internationally, including 1. FERTILITY PRESERVATION in endometriosis 2. Fertility preservation in cancer patients: a need for and practical approaches 3. HUMAN EMBRYO USE ETHICS, 4. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ENDOMETRIOUS INFERTILE PATIENTS, 5. Pregnancy Rate in Patients with Low Ovary Reserve Based on Age and AMH, 6. FRESH VERSUS FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER PLACENTA ACCRETTA RISK 7. AFTER SINGLE EMBRYO TRANSFER, THE RISK OF MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PREGNANCY – FRESH VERSUS FROZEN 8. ENDOMETRIOSIS’S FERTILITY-RELATING MECHANISMS