Dr. Samina Dornan
Dr. Samina Mahsud-Dornan is a well-known gynecologist at King’s College Hospital. She is the head of maternal-fetal medicine there. She is a well-known figure in the abortion legalization movement in Northern Ireland. Dr. Samina Dornan offers private antenatal services for all types of births in Belfast for mothers who intend to deliver in the Royal Belfast Trust. Her specializations include high-risk pregnancies including multiple births. She has FRCOG certification in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2009, and was appointed as a Consultant at St Georges, London where she also served as the Screening Co-ordinator. Along with that, Dr.Samina Dornan was the Lead Clinician for hemoglobinopathy, Multiple Births, and mothers with other medical conditions including diabetes.
Dr.Samina Dornan starred in BBC for her documentary on abortion – ‘Abortion: Ireland’s Guilty Secret?’. Her career saw her work as a consultant Sub-Specialist in Maternal-Fetal Medicine based at the Regional Unit, Royal Maternity Hospital. Prenatal consultation, Fetal Development Restriction, prenatal diagnostic and fetal therapy, fetal hereditary illnesses, including chromosome abnormalities, and fetal anatomical issues, such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia, are among Dr. Samina’s research interests. She has some of the widely circulated journals on complicated twin pregnancies to her credit. Dr. Dornan is a renowned women’s advocate and an international and regional speaker on a range of maternal issues. She leverages her extensive international experience to be a well-known women’s champion. Her dedication has won her membership in the Belizean Grove, a prestigious international women’s society.