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MEGO Dubai Review Form

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Conference Organization

Overall Satisfaction

Event Content:

Please rate the following aspects of the event:


Please rate the organization and logistics of the event:

Speakers and Presenters:

Please rate the quality of the speakers and presenters:
What are your Top 3 reasons for attending MEGO 2024
Which part of the conference met your expectation & gave you the best experience. Choose any 3.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Please provide any suggestions or comments for improving future MEGO events:
Would You Recommend MEGO Conference to Others?
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Mego 2025

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Med Prodoc Conferences
For general information about the conference, including registration, please contact us at:

+971 50 573 0222
+971 54 743 0844
S#04, Y2 England Cluster, International City – Dubai, United Arab Emirates